
who moved in with us 1995 at the age of one and stayed until 2014, enjoying it until the end

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Sissi on balcony, looking up, 2004

Sissi on balcony, looking out, 2004

Sissi asleep on chequered blanket, 2006

Sissi asleep in the grass, 2012

Sissi and Edith asleep, 2006

Sissi and Robert asleep, 2006

Sissi dozing on living room couch, tucked in, 2006

Sissi with colorful paper to play with, 2009

Sissi taking a rest from office work, ca. 1998

Sissi on balcony, seeing something (1), 2013

Sissi on balcony, seeing something (2), 2013

Sissi on balcony, seeing something (3), 2013

Sissi on catwalk, 2004

Sissi on catwalk, 2006

Sissi out there, 2004

Sissi on scaffold (1), 2011

Sissi on scaffold (2), 2011

Sissi in flower pot, 2014

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